PES supports the Nuremberg Falcons 

notice the Nuremberg Falcons: 

»Nuremberg – The new season has been running since the end of September BARMER 2nd Basketball Bundesliga. In the first three league games, the Nuremberg Falcons were able to leave the parquet as winners twice. The ProA league team is also able to score points off the field and presents a new partner at its side with PES Portuné Engineering Service GmbH. 

The Nuremberg Falcons continue to work meticulously on expanding their foundation and structures for a successful future for the entire basketball location, from youth to professional levels. Popular sports, various school projects and the topic of inclusion are also very important to managing director Ralph Junge: “Our professional team is of course the driving force, but our social responsibility encompasses much more than the home games in the Kia Metropol Arena. We are very pleased that more companies from the region can support us on this path and identify with our philosophy." This also applies to the Nürnberg Falcons' newest partner, PES Portuné Engineering Service GmbH. After good discussions in the preseason, he got involved Mechanical engineering specialist based in Nuremberg in the future with the ProA league team.

Move a lot together

PES is a mechanical engineering company specializing in resistance welding using new and special machines and accessories. As a service partner of the company reflex The competent service team is on the move in the Northern Bavaria area to carry out maintenance and faults on pressure maintenance systems. Founder and CEO Markus Portuné is now a convinced Falcons fan and has recognized the potential and importance of getting involved with Nuremberg's best basket hunters: »The Nuremberg Falcons stand for something, have an eventful history and, in our eyes, are one of the most popular people in this city. We at PES would therefore like to get involved and actively support Ralph Junge and the team as partners. Together we can achieve a lot. Of course, we would also like to present ourselves as an attractive employer and would like to use the emotionality of the Falcons brand here.«

Hand-signed game ball for the fans

Since the start of the season, the mechanical engineering specialist has been presenting the game facts every week via social media and during the live stream of the Nuremberg Falcons' home games SportdeutschlandTV the “players to watch”. To mark the official start of the partnership, Falcons and PES want to raffle off an original game ball from the BARMER 2nd Basketball Bundesliga with the signatures of all players among the fans of the Nuremberg Falcons. The campaign is scheduled to begin at the end of the week. “The ball would certainly find a suitable place in my office, but we would like to do something good for the Falcons fans and raffle off this strong Falcon collector's item among them,” says Markus Portuné.