Corona crisis: Three mask donations by PES!

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Due to the ongoing Corona pandemic, today we handed over 1,500 masks as a donation for the voluntary work »Lebensmittel-Retten« of the CSU Nuremberg-Worzeldorf.

Markus Portuné and Bea Pfanner presented the mask donation to the local chairman of the CSU-Worzeldorf Theo Deinlein, as well as the chairwoman of the Worzeldorf Women's Union, Monika Simon-Deinlein (picture above).

On February 10, 2022, Markus Portuné, Managing Director of PES Portuné Engineering Service GmbH, handed over a further 1,500 medical masks ("surgical masks") to Karin Benner, Director of the Ansbach Sociotherapeutic Residential Home, where fifty chronically mentally ill people live.

Peter Daniel Forster, member of the Board of Directors of Bezirkskliniken Mittelfranken – and representative of the sociotherapeutic residential home – together with Dr. Matthias Keilen, Strategic Director, expressed their sincere thanks for the donation.

Also in February – thanks to a hint from Lutz Quester, President Freundeskreis Deutsche Einheit e.V. – a third donation of masks was made to Lebenshilfe Nürnberg e. V.. The masks were handed over to the managing director of Lebenshilfe André Deraëd and will be used in the care of people with disabilities.

The COVID-19 disease can affect any of us, and the effects are felt globally. PES GmbH is pleased to continue to contribute during the Corona Crisis.

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