Donation by PES GmbH: Charity-Dinner with Markus König

Andreas Krieglstein, CSU Party Chair for the party’s branch in the city of Nuremberg, writes,

“We raised money for a good cause at a charity dinner at Gondeldorf in Kornburg in February. From then until now, we have managed to raise 2,600 euros.

This money will be donated to the Stapf Children and Young People’s Centre in Nuremberg. This will allow the existing Therapeutic Day Centre for Nursery-aged Children (HPT mini) to fund urgently needed Montessori teaching aids and special toys for the centre, which provides care for up to eight sponsored children aged three to six.

Franz Ochs, the head of the Young People’s Centre, impressed upon us how these children, who often come from a precarious home life, otherwise shoulder a burden they are too young to bear. He told us how every euro donated and invested yields much higher returns.

Donation in kind by PES

I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to our guests and donors and the many generous people helping out for their generous support. I’d particularly like to highlight the work of Markus Portuné, whose company made this event possible in the first place with their generous donation.

It was important for everyone involved to be able to give something back to those not enjoying the sunnier side of our society.”